Supply chain management or supply chain management (SCM), is a planning process made to satisfy customer demand and achieve business objectives, it has always been vital, but today it is essential throughout the world and not only This is always in constant change, both due to the challenges (political, economic and more) that may arise as well as the implementation of new technologies and the high expectations of customers, who increasingly expect agile, efficient supply chains. and transparent.


Due to its constant movement and changes, it is not uncommon that supply chain trends for 2023 are already beginning to emerge. While it can be challenging for supply chain managers and business executives to keep up with these developments, doing so is essential to the resiliency of your supply chain and fueling the success of your business.


Let's review some of the trends coming in the next 12 months:



Blockchain technology


Blockchain technology is expected to be one of the top trends in supply chain management in 2023 as companies continue to discover new ways to use it and people become more familiar with it. Blockchains allow companies in the supply chain to collect data from multiple sources in “blocks” or “chunks” that are chained together over time. The advantage of using blockchains over centralized databases is that they offer greater transparency of supply chain transactions with minimal technical downtime.


A blockchain system can be used to track goods throughout the supply chain and monitor factors such as temperature or location. This can be useful for companies to avoid counterfeit items and traceability issues. It can also be useful for optimizing supply chain operations, including inventory management and forecasting.


Circular supply chain


A circular supply chain is one that “closes the loop” by reusing materials and closing the supply chain loop at the end of a product's useful life. This means moving away from a traditional linear model that starts with raw materials and ends when the product is used up and thrown away. Instead, companies are now looking for ways to reuse materials that are already part of their supply chain.


The net result is a waste-free environment. Therefore, a circular supply chain will become indispensable as the world's population grows and finite resources dwindle.


Artificial intelligence and automation


Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are being used more frequently in a wide range of industries and within the supply chain is no exception. There are numerous ways to integrate automation and AI into a business process. AI for inventory management and even transportation routes in supply chain management procedures, AI can potentially be used for automated supply chain tracking in the future.


The key is to identify tasks and procedures that save you time or energy; Often the best homework is laborious or difficult. These types of jobs can be automated, allowing you to spend more time on things that only one person can do and maximizing your investment.


Cloud based solutions


Cloud-based solutions are the future of supply chain management, just like digitization. Supply chain management solutions that are localized and traditional will not suffice.


The whole team can access the data they need anytime, anywhere, because all your organization's data is stored in the cloud.



These trends can also work to strengthen the supply chain and make it more adaptable and durable. The future performance of the supply chain will depend on the integration of technology, which is why many companies are digitizing their business processes.



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